By Danielle Polo
Unigo Campus Rep at VT
Talk about virginia sports? Here are the top 10 things students must know about Virginia Tech Sports:
10. There is more to Virginia Tech sports than football.
9. Sean Glennon has feelings too.
8. “Skipper” the cannon will shoot after touchdowns — don’t be scared.
7. Avoid driving through campus during a basketball game and don’t even try to park in the McComas lot…starting the night before.
6. Get a picture with the Hokie Bird anytime you can or you might not have another chance.
5. Alumni can tailgate better than students.
4. UVA must always lose.
3. The swim team is only known as the H2Okies.
2. “Hokie Birds” are not real outside of Virginia Tech, but sounds better than the Fighting Gobblers, which is what the mascot used to be.
1. With such big club and intramural programs, you don’t have to be an ACC athlete to play at Virginia Tech Sports!