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Payzer Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

EAA Aviation Foundation, Inc.

Number of Awards & Eligibility: One award offered annually.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for U.S. students.
  2. Must be a U.S. citizen.
  3. Must major in and declare an intention to pursue a professional career in engineering, mathematics, or the physical or biological sciences, with an emphasis on technical information.
  4. Must be a high school senior or older to apply for this undergraduate scholarship.
  5. Must be recommended by a current Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), Inc. member or be a current, active member of the EAA in order to receive this scholarship. The applicant may apply for membership in the EAA before submitting his/her scholarship application, and must remain an active member from the date of the scholarship application through the date it is awarded.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This scholarship is available for U.S. undergraduate students who are majoring in and declare an intention to pursue a professional career in engineering, mathematics, or the physical or biological sciences, with an emphasis on technical information. Students must be recommended by a current Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), Inc. member or be a current, active member of the EAA in order to receive this scholarship.

Application requirements for the Payzer Scholarship are:

  • Application form
  • Personal statement
  • Recommendation letters (2)
  • Official Transcript
Additional Information: The student must be well-rounded, involved in school and community activities. His/her academic record should show that he/she can successfully complete the educational activity for which he/she is requesting the scholarship.

Award Amount: $5,000 annually, non-renewable.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $5,000.

About EAA Aviation Foundation, Inc.:
Contact Information: Jane Smith ,Scholarship Coordinator
Address: EAA Scholarship Department 3000 Poberezny Road Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54902

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