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GCSAA Scholars Competition

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Environmental Institute for Golf

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Varies annually
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must be a member of the GCSAA.
  2. Must be enrolled in a recognized undergraduate program in a major related to golf/turfgrass management. Recipients must be planning a career as golf superintendents or other closely-related professional discipline.
  3. This award is for international and U.S. students.
  4. Must be a current undergraduate college student who has completed his/her first year (24 credit hours or equivalent) in an eligible program. Please note: Seniors graduating prior to the application deadline of June 1 are ineligible.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: International and U.S. undergraduate students who are members of GCSAA are eligible to apply for this award. Students must have completed their first year in a program related to golf/turfgrass management.

Application requirements for the GCSAA Scholars Competition are:

  • Essay
  • Application form
  • Official Transcript
  • Advisor's report
  • Superintendent report
Additional Information: Applications will be reviewed by the GCSAA Scholarship Committee and all decisions will be final. Applicants will be evaluated based on academic achievement, potential to become a leading professional, employment history, extracurricular activities, the recommendation of a superintendent with whom the student has worked, and a current academic advisor. Financial need is not a factor in the selection. Each applicant will be notified by mail of his/her status by Aug. 1 in the year submitted. All scholarship award checks will be made payable to the applicant and his/her educational institution. Current members of The GCSAA Environmental Institute for Golf, The GCSAA Board of Directors, GCSAA staff members, and their families are not eligible for this program.

Award Amount: $500- $6,000 given to chosen applicant  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $6,000.

About Environmental Institute for Golf:
Contact Information: Mischia Wright ,Associate Director, Development
Address: 1421 Research Park Drive Lawrence, Kansas 66049-3859

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