Rifle Scholarships

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Riflery is a rare sport in that you may have even more opportunities at scholarships by looking outside of college awards and applying to funding provided by groups, clubs, and organizations. If you possess a talent in marksmanship, or if you enjoy the sport of rifles, you have several opportunities to earn rifling scholarships. Although there are political debates on gun law issues, organizations for competitive marksmanship and rifle shooting award college scholarships to bring awareness to the sport. As a marksman, you can prove your talents by participating in competitions to show off your skill. You can demonstrate your interest by joining a local or national rifle group. Whether you plan to continue at the collegiate level or just want to develop your hobby, rifle scholarships are a great way to help you pay for your education. Check out our directory of college shooting scholarships below, and apply today.

Rifle Scholarships 2025 List

BigSun Scholarship

The BigSun Athletics Scholarship is offered to high school seniors and undergraduate & graduate students who are active athletes in any sport. A $500 award is being offered. There is no application for this award. Essays must be submitted by email no later than the deadline. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Award Amount

Total:  $500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  June 19

Daniella Altfield-Moreno Scholarship

This scholarship is available for Latino/Latina youth under age 25 with a preference for students involved in athletics and students committed to LGBT equality.
Award Amount

Total:  $12,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  January 06

Margaret Parsons ‘Porky’ Moss Scholarship Fund

This award is for U.S. female students who are graduating from South Charleston High School. The applicant must have a 2.5 grade point average or higher and an ACT score of 20 or higher to be eligible. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Award Amount

Total:  $600

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 15