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Hy Zolet Student Athlete Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

CollegeBound Foundation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Four awards offered annually.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This scholarship is available for high school seniors in Baltimore who are active in athletics. Applicants must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher and must demonstrate work ethic, a sense of fairness, and responsibility.

Application requirements for the Hy Zolet Student Athlete Scholarship are:

  • Application form
  • Official Transcript
  • Recommendation letter
  • Essay
Additional Information: This scholarship was created to honor and celebrate the life and accomplishments of Hy Zolet, a high school and college athlete. All of those who came into contact with Hy, and his love of life, walked away a better person for knowing him. Through this scholarship, the foundation will strive to identify men and women who exemplify the qualities that Hy exhibited every day.

Award Amount: $1,000 annually, non-renewable.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $4,000.

About CollegeBound Foundation:
Contact Information: Jamie Crouse ,Program Administrator
Address: 300 Water St. Suite 300 Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Email: ,

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