Mechanical Engineering Scholarships

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What Mechanical Engineering Scholarships Can I Apply to?

Many mechanical engineering scholarships are for high school, undergraduate and graduate students. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) offers several scholarships. You must be a member of ASME to apply. Their scholarships range from $1,000 to $13,000 awards.

A mechanical engineer designs and builds tools, engines, thermal sensors and other machines. Their skills are useful in many career paths. For instance mechanical engineers can work in the auto industry, medicine, robotics, heating and cooling.

Besides your major, it is likely there will be other criteria to meet. Eligibility varies between each mechanical engineering scholarship. Applicants should also have a strong academic record and show financial need.

Most applicants must also show a plan to earn a degree at an ABET accredited college. You can expect to supply this info along with references and transcripts. There are many scholarships for STEM majors. Women and minority students can apply to specific scholarships.  

The Society of Women Engineers empowers women within the engineering industry. For example, Barbara W. and Thomas Benko Scholarship offers a $1,000 scholarship. One female engineering student will receive the award. Applicants must be enrolled at University of Illinois at Chicago.

Why Consider Applying for Scholarships?

A mechanical engineering scholarship may be useful if your goal is to earn a four year degree. Scholarships will help students cover the cost of college. Tuition, fees, supplies, and room and board can be paid for. Scholarships also do not need to be paid back like a loan. Overall scholarships can offset your future college debt.

According to Data USA, a degree in mechanical engineering costs an average of $7,486 per year. That’s if you pursue your degree in state and at a public school. Also, the cost is higher on average of $39,012, if you choose an out of state college.

Once you graduate, there are a range of possible career paths. There will be a 4% increase in mechanical engineering through 2028 in the United States. Mechanical engineering jobs require a bachelor’s degree and earn about $87,370 per year.

List of Mechanical Engineering Scholarships

Here are mechanical engineering scholarships that you can apply to. We have awards worth .

Mechanical Engineering Scholarships 2025 List

UNF First Coast Manufacturers Association (FCMA) Scholarship

This scholarship is available for rising juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who have declared a major in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Award Amount

Total:  $8,000

Awards:  2


Deadline:  March 12

UNF American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Scholarship

This scholarship is available for juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who are enrolled in the mechanical engineering program. Students must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
Award Amount

Total:  $2,000

Awards:  2


Deadline:  March 01

Praxair International Scholarship

This award is available for U.S. and Canadian undergraduate students who are 18 years of age or older and are pursuing a career in welding engineering. Students must also have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
Award Amount

Total:  $2,500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  March 01

ASME Auxiliary Lucy and Charles W. E. Clarke Scholarship

U.S. high school seniors planning to enroll full time in an accredited mechanical engineering program are eligible for this award. Applicants must be nominated for this award.
Award Amount

Total:  $500,000

Awards:  10


Deadline:  February 18

SAE Long Term Member Sponsored Scholarship

International and U.S. junior students who are members of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) are eligible for this scholarship. Students must pursue an engineering degree through an ABET-accredited program.
Award Amount

Total:  $16,000

Awards:  4


Deadline:  March 15

UNF Prosser Hallock Tekie Foundation, Inc. Scholarship

This scholarship is available for rising juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who are majoring in civil engineering. Students must be Florida residents and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Award Amount

Total:  $2,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  March 01

Stephen T. Kugle Scholarship

U.S. college sophomores or juniors currently enrolled in a public college or university in one of the states in ASME District E (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming) are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and major in mechanical engineering.
Award Amount

Total:  $3,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  March 01

Alice May Anderson Scholarship Fund

The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to those who identify as a female/woman and are studying community college, bachelors, or graduate programs in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science.
Award Amount

Total:  $1,200

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 15

Xilinx Empowering Women in Technology Scholarship

Xilinx Empowering Women in Technology Scholarships tend to go to five candidates from under-represented groups. Applicants must identify as a female/woman, be a sophomore or junior majoring in CprE, CS, EE, ET, IE, ME and have at least a 3.0 GPA. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Award Amount

Total:  $125,000

Awards:  5


Deadline:  February 15

Exxon Mobil Engineering Scholarship

The Society of Women Engineers is a member agency whose mission is to empower women within the engineering industry. One way they do this is through scholarship programs. There are 8 Exxon Mobil Engineering Scholarships of $2,500 each for freshman studying CE, ChE, EE, PetE, or mechanical engineering who have at least a 3.5 GPA.
Award Amount

Total:  $1,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  May 01