Pharmacy School Scholarships

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Are There Pharmacy School Scholarships? 

Yes, there are pharmacy school scholarships to help you earn a Pharm.D. degree. Pharmacy scholarships could come from private organizations or your school. Awards could be based on your grade point average (GPA) and unmet financial need. Some providers also look for those who have an interest in public health. Other criteria could include planning to attend full time. Some providers also look at your academics and grades.  There are several places to look for a pharmacy scholarship. Some students begin by filing a FAFSA for federal aid. This may be the place to start if your goal is to earn a bachelor’s degree in health sciences before pharmacy school.

Aid may also be available through your School of Pharmacy. At last check out the 142 ACPE accredited Doctor of Pharmacy programs in the U.S. Many of these schools receive scholarship funds from sponsors.  You should also look for the Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship. It is for a student from a minority group in any year of a Pharm.D. If you plan to attend South College’s School of Pharmacy, they do offer this award. 

10 Pharmacy Scholarships You Should Apply for in 2021

Check out these ten scholarships for pharmacy school. Check the award’s eligibility criteria. If you qualify, apply now for the upcoming school year. 

  1. Tylenol Future Care Scholarship 
  2. IMANA Scholarships
  3. CVS Health Foundation Pharmacy Scholarship 
  4. Sachs Foundation Scholarship for Pharmaceutical Sciences
  5. Walgreens Pharmacy Education Assistance Program
  6. Phi Lambda Sigma-AFPE First Year Graduate School Scholarship
  7. Rho Chi-AFPE First Year Graduate School Scholarship
  8. NCPA Foundation Presidential Scholarship
  9. APhA Auxiliary Pharmacy Student Scholarship.
  10. Pharmacist Mutual Community Pharmacy Scholarship

Could You Get Full Ride or Full Tuition Pharmacy Scholarships?

Yes, it is possible to receive a full ride or full tuition scholarship for pharmacy school. The Health Professions Scholarship (HPSP) is a great source to check. It is a military scholarship for Army, Navy and Air Force students who attend a pharmacy degree program.

If you’re accepted, students may receive full coverage on their tuition and fees. Also, a reimbursement for health insurance costs and other related school expenses and monthly living stipend. In return, students must also agree to a service commitment with their branch of the military. 

A similar program is available through Indian Health Services. It provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate  and graduate students. Recipients must also be a member of a federally recognized tribe. In exchange for full tuition, graduates also must fulfill a full time service commitment.

How Much Does Pharmacy School Cost?

Based on the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) data from 2018 to 2019, an in state pharmacy school costs about $15,500 and up to over $75,000 per year. The Doctor of Pharmacy is a four year degree program. Therefore, in state tuition and fees for a PharmD program could cost $77,500 or more. You also need to budget for living expenses, textbooks and others. 

A pharmacy school scholarship could be useful to reduce the amount you have to borrow in student loans. Recipients may also use the money on tuition and fees. All without having to worry about paying the scholarship funds back. 

What Pharmacy and Healthcare Organizations Offer Scholarships for Pharmacy Students?

Several pharma and healthcare associations offer scholarships for pharmacy students. You may also must be an org. member to apply for these scholarship programs.

American Pharmacists Association

APhA is a major advocate for the pharmacy profession. If you’re a student pharmacist, you may also qualify for one of their awards like the APhA Foundation Scholarship. It is an annual pharmacy school scholarship of $1,000 and there’s one recipient. 

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

AFPE offers aid to first year graduate students, Pharm.D. and pre doctoral students, and faculty members. One award is the Phi Lambda Sigma-AFPE First Year Graduate School Scholarship. This $7,500 scholarship is for PLS members. You must also be a senior pharmacy student and in a dual degree program. 

American Society of Health System Pharmacists  

ASHP offers programs for leading practice and research. Through donors, they have awarded millions in research funding since 2006. Together with the American Nurses Foundation they offer a Collaborative Care Grant

National Community Pharmacists Association

NCPA is the voice for independent pharmacy. They represent 21,000 pharmacies nationwide and offer various member benefits. For their pharmacy school scholarship, you need to be a member. Also, you must show an interest in pharmacy practice as well as Leadership qualities. 

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

AACP is a national organization. Their role is to serve as a leader and enhance the quality of pharmacy education at partner schools. The CVS Health Minority Scholarship for Pharmacy Students is for minority students. Five students could each receive a $7,000 award. You may also be African American, Hispanic or Latino. Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

7 Tips to Help You Earn Scholarships for Pharmacy and More Financial Aid

One way to earn scholarships for pharmacy school is to apply to as many as you could. Here are 7 tips to help you earn more financial assistance.

  1. Look into STEM scholarships as there are many related fields that may qualify.
  2. Fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be eligible for government aid.
  3. Be a student member of a professional pharmacy association.
  4. If you plan to do research, look into research grants.
  5. Consider a part time job or paid internship.
  6. Take on work study programs.
  7. If at first you don’t succeed, keep trying until your final year.

List of Pharmacy School Scholarships

Check out our list of 34 pharmacy school scholarships worth $136K.

Pharmacy School Scholarships 2025 List

‘Gateway to Research’ Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students pursuing research in an undergraduate pharmacy program. Applicants must have completed at least one full year of undergraduate coursework.
Award Amount

Total:  $980,000

Awards:  14


Deadline:  February 24

Kappa Epsilon-AFPE-Nellie Wakeman First Year Graduate School Scholarship

This award is available for members of Kappa Epsilon who are in the final year of a pharmacy college Pharm. D. program or have completed a pharmacy degree. The student must be planning to pursue a Ph.D.
Award Amount

Total:  $7,500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 01

APHA Foundation Scholarship

The APhA Foundation Scholarship is presented annually to one (1) recipient with a scholarship of $1,000.
Award Amount

Total:  $1,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 01

APhA Foundation Ronald L. Williams Memorial Fund

The APhA Foundation Ronald L. Williams Memorial Fund awards two scholarships of $1,000 each to student pharmacists attending the APhA Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependencies in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Award Amount

Total:  $4,000

Awards:  2


Deadline:  February 01

Pharmacist Mutual Community Pharmacy Scholarship

The Pharmacists Mutual Community Scholarship is presented annually to five (5) recipients with a scholarship of $1,750.
Award Amount

Total:  $43,750

Awards:  5


Deadline:  February 01

CVS Health Minority Scholarship for Pharmacy Students

The CVS Health Minority Scholarship for Pharmacy Students awards $35,000 in scholarships. Five outstanding underrepresented minority students enrolled in a PharmD each receive a $7,000 scholarship.
Award Amount

Total:  $200,000

Awards:  5


Deadline:  August 31

Walgreens Diversity Scholarship

Walgreens Diversity Scholarship is a $3,000 merit award which may be given to one or more students (scholarship committee will decide based on the submissions) at partner colleges.
Award Amount

Total:  $9,000

Awards:  3


Deadline:  August 31

Collaborative Care Grants

The American Nurses Foundation and the ASHP Foundation have joined in partnership to offer a competitive grant program to support innovative projects, co-led by nursing and pharmacy,
Award Amount

Total:  $1,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  May 03

APhA Foundation / George F. Archambault Scholarship

The APhA Foundation, George F. Archambault Scholarship is presented annually to one (1) recipient with a scholarship of $1,500.
Award Amount

Total:  $1,500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  May 03

APhA Foundation / Gloria Francke Scholarship

The APhA Foundation / Gloria Francke Scholarship is presented annually to one (1) recipient with a scholarship of $1,000.
Award Amount

Total:  $1,000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  May 03