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C.A.R. Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

California Association of REALTORS (R) Scholarship Foundation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: one or more awards offered.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for U.S. students.
  2. Must enroll in a college or university in the state of California.
  3. Must be enrolled in a California college or university for professions which are centered on, or support a career in real estate transactional activity such as: brokerage, finance, management, development, appraisal, planning, law and other fields of study the trustees believe worthy of consideration.
  4. Must have a grade point average of 2.6 or higher.
  5. Must be a legal resident of California for one or more years prior to the date of application and have a valid California driver's license or I.D. card.
  6. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  7. Must be enrolled in six or more credits per semester with at least one course in real estate or a real estate-related subject.
  8. Must have completed 12 or more college level course units within the last four years, and two or more courses must have been in real estate or real estate related studies.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: Awards by the C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation are up to $4,000 for students enrolled in four-year University and $2,000 for students enrolled in two-year Colleges.

Application requirements for the C.A.R. Scholarship are:

  • Essay
  • Recommendation letter
  • Application form
  • Official Transcript
  • Driver's license
  • Enrollment verification
Additional Information: Awards by the C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation are up to $4,000 for students enrolled in four-year University and $2,000 for students enrolled in two-year Colleges.

Award Amount: Up to $4,000 scholarships offered.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $4,000.

About California Association of REALTORS (R) Scholarship Foundation :
Contact Information: Mary Martinez ,CAR Scholarship Coordinator
Address: 525 S. Virgil Ave. Los Angeles, California 90020

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