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Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Awards Program

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Writer's Digest

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Seven cash awards offered annually.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have an interest in writing popular fiction in one or more of the following categories: crime; horror; romance; science fiction/fantasy; thriller; young adult.
  2. This award is for international and U.S. students.
  3. Entries are not accepted from the following countries due to SEC restrictions: Syria, Iran, North Korea.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This popular fiction writing contest is open to any writer who submits a story of 4,000 words or less in one or more of the following categories: crime; horror; romance; science fiction/fantasy; thriller; young adult. Entries are accepted from U.S. and non-U.S. residents with no age restriction; entries are not accepted from Syria, Iran, or North Korea due to SEC restrictions.

Application requirements for the Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Awards Program are:

  • Manuscript(s)
  • Entry fee (per manuscript)
Additional Information: Writer's Digest retains one-time publication rights to the grand prize, first prize, and honorable mention winning entries in each category to be published in a Writer's Digest publication. The following are not permitted to enter the contest: employees of F+W, a Content and eCommerce Company., and their immediate family members; Writer's Digest contributing editors and correspondents as listed on the masthead; Writer's Online Workshops instructors; and grand prize winners from the previous three years.

Award Amount: The grand prize winner will receive the following prizes: $2,500 in cash; an announcement of the winner on the cover of Writer's Digest (subscriber issues only); a paid trip to the Writer's Digest Conference; an interview with the author in Writer's Digest's May/June issue; $100 off a purchase at; a copy of the 2018 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market. The first prize winner in each category will receive the following prizes: $500 in cash; an announcement of the winner in the May/June issue of Writer's Digest; $100 off a purchase at; a copy of the 2018 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market. Honorable mentions will: have their stories promoted on; and receive a copy of the 2018 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $786.

About Writer's Digest:
Contact Information: x ,x
Address: 10151 Carver Road Suite 200 Blue Ash, Ohio 45242

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