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Rachel Carson Scholarship in the Institute of Environmental Sustainability

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Loyola University

Number of Awards & Eligibility: There are 4 awards available.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: The Rachel Carson Scholarship provides the opportunity for students to learn about nature by studying in nature through summer coursework at Loyola’s Retreat and Ecology Campus (LUREC). LUREC is Loyola’s newest campus located 50 miles NE of Chicago, on 98 acres of wetland, forest, prairies, and ponds, with a 3-acre organic student farm. Courses offered at LUREC include Field Ornithology, Principles of Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Sustainable Agriculture. Awardees will be required to take one 3-week course during the early summer session, in each of two years while at Loyola,. One J-term class at LUREC may substitute for a summer course. Recipients are also required to serve as ambassadors for LUREC with their peers. Four $2,500 per year scholarships will be awarded for up to four years each to qualified new freshman or transfer students who have been admitted into the Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES). Tuition and fees for LUREC classes must be paid from these funds, which are added to the student’s account at the beginning of each of their eight regular semesters. Prospective candidates must be admitted to Loyola prior to February 1st. The Rachel Carson Scholarship application is due March 1st. If you have questions about this award please contact the Undergraduate Admission Office at 800-262-2373 or [email protected]

Application requirements for the Rachel Carson Scholarship in the Institute of Environmental Sustainability are:

  • Essay
  • Application form
Additional Information:

Award Amount: Chosen applicants will each receive up to $2,500 annually, for the duration of four years.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $40,000.

About Loyola University:
Contact Information: Scholarship Committee
Address: 1032 W Sheridan Rd Chicago, Illinois

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