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San Diego 99s/Darlene Kelly Advanced Rating Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

San Diego Chapter of the Ninety-Nines

Number of Awards & Eligibility: One award offered annually.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for U.S. students.
  2. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  3. Must be a member of the Southwest Section of Ninety-Nines (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah).
  4. Must be a female.
  5. Must have a private pilot certificate and be pursuing an advanced certificate or rating.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: Female residents who are members of the Southwest Section of Ninety-Nines (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Utah, Nevada) and are pursuing an advanced certificate or rating are eligible for this award.

Application requirements for the San Diego 99s/Darlene Kelly Advanced Rating Scholarship are:

  • Essay
  • Recommendation letters (3)
  • Application form
  • Medical cert.
  • Private pilot cert.
Additional Information: The scholarship winner will be notified by the scholarship chairperson and all funds will be paid directly to a certified flight school, flying club, or CFI. The winner may be asked to submit a photo and flying biography for publicity purposes.

Award Amount: $2,000 annually, non-renewable. The scholarship winner will have 90 days to apply funds to flight training.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $2,000.

About San Diego Chapter of the Ninety-Nines:
Address: 8690 Aero Drive, Suite 115, Number 36 San Diego, California 92123

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