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NY Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

New York State Higher Education Services Corporation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: The number of awards offered varies annually based on the number of qualified applicants and the amount of funds available. In the previous academic year approximately 397,000 awards were disbursed.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is available for U.S. students.
  2. Must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  3. Must study at an approved postsecondary institution in New York State.
  4. Must be a legal resident of New York.
  5. Must enroll full time.
  6. Must demonstrate financial need and meet income eligibility limitations, as determined by the New York Higher Education Commission.
  7. Must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This award is available to New York resident undergraduate students who are attending an eligible postsecondary institution in New York. Students must demonstrate financial need and must meet the income and asset limits set by the NY State commission. Click here to learn more and apply today!

Application requirements for the NY Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) are:

  • Application form
Additional Information: The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is New York's largest grant program. The program provides eligible New York residents with need-based assistance to help cover the cost of tuition at approved schools in New York State. Eligible students must be matriculated in an approved program of study and be in good academic standing and not be in default on a student loan guaranteed by HESC or on any repayment of state awards. HESC will make payments to schools on behalf of students upon certification of eligibility and submission of appropriate financial aid applications. Students must be charged $200 or more in tuition per year and meet the following income limitations: Dependent undergraduate students or students who are married or have tax dependents must not have a New York State NET taxable income which exceeds $80,000; married independent undergraduate students who are married and have no other tax dependents must not have a New York State NET taxable income which exceeds $40,000; and single independent undergraduate students with no dependents must not have a New York State NET taxable income which exceeds $10,000.

Award Amount: Award amounts may vary based on the student's financial status and income, the type of postsecondary institution and the tuition charge, and the amount of allocated funds available. Award amounts can be up to $5,165 annually, renewable for up to four additional years. Awards cannot exceed the student's cost of tuition. For additional details, student should contact his/her schools financial aid office.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $5,665.

About New York State Higher Education Services Corporation:
Contact Information: Paul Deecher ,Scholarship Unit
Address: 99 Washington Ave. Albany, New York 12255

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