Take Stock in Children Scholarship Program

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Take Stock in Children - Duval County

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Approximately 100 awards offered annually. This number of awards offered varies annually based on the number of applicants in each county.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This full-tuition scholarship award is offered to participants in the Take Stock in Children mentoring program. Students must be in the sixth through ninth grades at entrance to the program, be residents of Florida, and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.

Application requirements for the Take Stock in Children Scholarship Program are:

  • Students selected by committee
Additional Information: Take Stock in Children is a comprehensive program that helps low-income children succeed by providing college and vocational scholarships, volunteer mentors, student advocates/case managers, tutoring, early intervention and long-term support, high standards, parental involvement, and community support. If a student moves to another county after being accepted into the TSIC program in his/her original county, he/she will not lose the scholarship; it will be transferred to the student's new county of residence. In order to receive the scholarship, the student must attend a college that will accept a Florida Prepaid Tuition Scholarship. Most Florida and non-Florida colleges are eligible as long as they are not-for-profit and are accredited.

Award Amount: Each child selected for the TSIC program receives a four-year college tuition or vocational scholarship purchased by the Florida Prepaid Tuition Program. This scholarship is in the form of a 2+2 scholarship, which entitles the student to two years of tuition at a community college and two years at a university. The student will receive his/her scholarship if he/she has fulfilled the terms of the contract he/she signed when enrolling in the program and when he/she has graduated from high school.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $20,000.

About Take Stock in Children - Duval County:
Contact Information: Judy Saylor, Director
Address: 3100 University Blvd. S. Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Email: bfields@cisjax.org

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