Awarded By:
Number of Awards & Eligibility:
The number of scholarships awarded vary.
Additional Information:
Scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria (Note: Applicants who have already earned a 4-year degree are not eligible to apply.)
• Be a “nontraditional” female student age 25 or older at the time of the application deadline. Applicants may be married or single.
• Be the primary caregiver to at least one school-age child (enrolled in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12). This includes natural born, legally adopted children or children for whom legal guardianship has been granted. The children must live in the home with the applicant.
• Be U.S. citizens, including foreign-born U.S. citizens, and legal residents of one of the following counties: Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Stanly or Union in North Carolina or Lancaster or York in South Carolina.
• Be enrolled or accepted as a full-time, degree-seeking student at an accredited institution in the Mecklenburg and surrounding counties, seeking a first-time bachelor’s degree in any subject, a two-year nursing degree, a two-year degree in CPCC’s Health Careers Program or Information Technology. Recipients are not eligible to receive scholarship monies if attending a for-profit school.
ANSWER has a stellar graduation rate because all scholarship recipients are provided with a mentor for the duration of the scholarship and are required to participate in our Mentors for Mom program. This includes attendance at the Mentors for Mom meetings held one Saturday a month during the months of September, October, November, January, February, March and April. These meetings include workshops on professional and career development. Learn more about the program at Mentors for Mom .
Recipients must maintain satisfactory academic performance (a GPA of 2.5 or above) and meet the following mentoring requirements:
• Have contact (phone, email, or an in person visit) once a month with an assigned mentor.
• Attend the Mentors for Moms meetings and also an annual luncheon in May honoring new graduates.
About ANSWER Scholarship Inc.:
Contact Information:
ANSWER Scholarship ,Scholarship Committee
6420 Rea Road Suite 112 Charlotte, North Carolina 28277
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