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AWIS Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

Number of Awards & Eligibility: One award offered
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must be a female student.
  2. Must be a college junior or sophomore.
  3. Must major in physics, geophysics or geoscience.
  4. Must be an undergraduate member of the SPS national organization.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: Funded by the AWIS Educational Foundation, this $2,000 award goes to an undergraduate woman studying physics, geophysics, or geoscience.

Application requirements for the AWIS Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award are:

  • No application requirements for this scholarship
Additional Information: The Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award is an AWIS Educational Foundation program for female college sophomores and juniors studying physics, including space physics and geophysics, or geoscience. The award in the amount of $2,000 is given annually to an exceptionally well-rounded student who excels in her studies as well as outdoor activities, service, sports, music, or other non-academic pursuits or who has overcome significant obstacles. The award is administered by SPS and may be used for any aspect of education, including tuition, books, housing, or travel, for example.

Award Amount: $2,000 per year  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $8,000.

About Association for Women in Science (AWIS):
Contact Information: Barbara Filner, Ph.D. ,Educational Foundation President
Address: 7008 Richard Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20817-4838

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