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Dr. Clifton & Lois Dummett Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

National Dental Association Foundation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: One award offered.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must be a post-doctoral student.
  2. Must be pursuing an additional degree in a sub-specialty of dentistry in one of our priority areas such as: public health, administration, pediatrics, research, law, etc.
  3. Must be a United States Citizen or have permanent resident status.
  4. Must be an NDA member.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: The NDAF/Dr. Clifton & Lois Dummett Scholarship honors its namesake who among other accomplishments was the youngest dean in the United States at 28. This scholarship is for a qualified post doctoral dentistry student and awards $10,000.

Application requirements for the Dr. Clifton & Lois Dummett Scholarship are:

  • No application requirements for this scholarship
Additional Information: The Dr. Clifton & Lois Dummett Scholarship is named in honor of Dr. Clifton O. Dummett, (May 20, 1919 – September 7, 2011). Dr. Clifton O. Dummett, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of the University of Southern California, studied at Howard and Roosevelt Universities before earning his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from Northwestern University in 1941. He earned master’s degrees in periodontics and public health from Northwestern and the University of Michigan, respectively. In 1947, Dummett was named dean of the School of Dentistry at Meharry Medical College, where he was the youngest dean in the United States at 28. An advocate for social justice and equality for all people, it was Dummett’s resolution in the American Dental Association (ADA) House of Delegates that led to the lifting of restrictive membership within the organization. He served the National Dental Association (NDA) for 22 years as editor in chief. He and his wife, Lois Doyle Dummett wrote “NDA II: The Story of America’s Second National Dental Association”, published by the NDA Foundation, in 2000. An internationally acclaimed author and researcher, and humanitarian, Dr. Dummett wrote hundreds of articles on dental history, public health issues, and social and community issues.

Award Amount: A scholarship for up to $10,000 is offered.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $10,000.

About National Dental Association Foundation:
Contact Information: NDAF / Dr. Bessie Delaney Scholarship ,NDAF Scholarship Committee
Address: 3517 16th street NW Washington, District of Columbia 20010

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