AFA Teens Essay Scholarship

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Number of Awards & Eligibility: A total of 10 scholarships offered annually. Should the scholarship winner fail to attend college within the stated time period, the scholarship will be given to the first runner-up.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This award is for U.S. high school seniors who will be entering a four-year accredited college or university within 12 months of the deadline date. Students must submit an essay on the impact Alzheimer's disease has on their own lives and others in their family and community.

Application requirements for the AFA Teens Essay Scholarship are:

  • Personal statement
  • Essay
Additional Information: The AFA, a national nonprofit organization, has created a division specifically for teens, AFA Teens. Its goals include raising awareness among teenagers and the general public about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias; providing education, counseling and support to young family members; enabling teens to share feelings with other teens and experts; and referring teens and their family members to supportive services. This scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to give thoughtful consideration to the impact Alzheimer's disease has on their own lives and others in their family and community. To qualify, students must be entering a four-year accredited college or university within 12 months of the application deadline. An independent committee selected by AFA will judge all timely submissions. Author identity will remain anonymous during the judging. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Award Amount: $5,000 annually for the grand-prize winner, $3,500 annually for the first runner-up winner, $1,500 annually for the second runner-up winner, $1,000 annually for the third runner-up winners, $750 for fourth runner-ups, and $500 annually for honorable mention. All awards are non-renewable.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $1,300.

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Friday, January 17

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