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American Indian Education Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

American Indian Education Foundation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: The number of awards offered varies annually. In past years, 150 scholarships were awarded.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must be of Native American or Alaska Native descent. The student or one parent must be enrolled in a tribe and have documentation.
  2. Must enroll as a full-time student.
  3. Preference given to students with an ACT score of 14 or higher (or the SAT equivalent).
  4. Preference is given to students with a grade point average of 2.0 to 3.4; however, all qualified students are encouraged to apply.
  5. This award is for U.S. students.
  6. Must be a graduating high school senior or current undergraduate student. Students must attend an accredited two- or four-year college/university or technical/vocational school.
  7. Must be a U.S. citizen.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This Fund was set up to support educational opportunities for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students. Scholarships of up to $2,000 per year are paid directly to a recipient’s college/university. Grantees must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 and submit grades to AIEF each semester.

Application requirements for the American Indian Education Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship are:

  • Essay
  • Application form
  • Transcript
  • Photo
  • Tribal Document
Additional Information: You must complete ALL sections of the application and include these documents (copies are acceptable), securely paperclip together (NO STAPLES), and submit in a large envelope in the following order: • AIEF Application Form • Community Involvement Form • Essay – guidelines provided (not to exceed 4 pages double spaced, 12 pt. font only) • Photo of yourself with your name printed and signed on the back ? Please submit a 4 x 6 (or similar sized) color photo of yourself ? Original print photos are preferred ? DO NOT submit a photo printed on plain copy paper • Tribal Enrollment Document/Card – COPY ONLY – Do not send original! ? If submitting your parent’s documentation, please specify. • Recent Transcripts (Do NOT have to be official – Unofficial or Web Advisor acceptable) • GED Documentation (if applicable) • ACT Test Scores (applicable to ONLY incoming freshman who have taken the ACT Test) • SAT Scores (applicable to ONLY incoming freshman) • You must also apply for federal financial aid using the FAFSA • Have one recommendation

Award Amount: $2,000 annually, non-renewable. The scholarship may only be used for tuition and books.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $300,000.

About American Indian Education Foundation:
Contact Information: Onna LeBeau ,Collaboration and Training Coordinator
Address: 2401 Eglin St. Rapid City, South Dakota 57703

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