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Immerse Education Essay Competition

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Immerse Education

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Ten awards available, runner up awards vary based on applications received
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Students of all nationalities who will be aged 13-18

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides the opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a pre-set question relating to their chosen subject. 10 winners will receive a 100% scholarship, with runner-up prizes also awarded. Immerse Education was founded in 2012 with the aim of providing students aged 13-18 with unparalleled educational experiences. We have educated thousands of students through our exceptional academic enrichment programmes in the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge University, University College London, and the University of Sydney. Check out our Cambridge, Oxford, London, Sydney, and Online courses.

Application requirements for the Immerse Education Essay Competition are:

  • Essay
Additional Information:

Award Amount: Chosen winners will receive $7,354 and runner ups will receive 50%  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $73,540.

About Immerse Education:
Contact Information: Bernard Gulles ,Essay Competition
Address: Mermaid House, 2 Puddle Dock, London EC4V 3DS, UK London, -- Not Applicable --

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