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Purdue University/American Freedom Foundation Military Family Scholarship Program

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Scholarship America

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Up to 750 awards offered annually.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This partial-tuition scholarship for Kaplan University is open to students who are the spouse or dependent of a current, veteran, or retired U.S. military servicemember; a DoD civilian, or a current spouse or dependent of a DoD civilian; or a NC Department of Corrections employee, or a current spouse or dependent of a NC Department of Corrections employee. Students must have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher.

Application requirements for the Purdue University/American Freedom Foundation Military Family Scholarship Program are:

  • Application form
  • Official Transcript
  • Eligibility documentation
Additional Information: Please note: Partial tuition scholarship recipients of the Freedom or Liberty Award who complete their first term at Kaplan University with a grade point average of 3.90 or higher will automatically be included in a pool of candidates to be considered for a full scholarship award. For every 50 candidates in the pool, Scholarship America will select one current student to receive a full scholarship award. The chosen recipient should expect to be notified by Scholarship America at the end of his/her second term and the full scholarship will start in the third term. Recipients are not eligible for other Kaplan University discounts, scholarships, grants, or tuition vouchers, including military, and alliance relationships discounts. Recipients may receive financial aid and outside scholarships not funded by Kaplan University. Employees of Kaplan, Inc., and its subsidiaries and their spouses or children are not eligible to apply.

Award Amount: The Partial Scholarship Award allows recipients to attend Kaplan University for $220 per credit hour. This represents a 47 percent reduction in the cost of tuition at Kaplan. For every 50 Partial Awards provided, one student will be selected for a Full Scholarship that covers the entirety of tuition. The scholarship recipient retains the scholarship award until completion of their specified program of study, provided eligibility is maintained. No reapplication is required, and no reapplication is required for a change of program. The scholarship can be used only toward the cost of program tuition (it does not cover any fees) at Kaplan University for an associate's or bachelor's degree program chosen by the award recipient. The scholarship may be used in any undergraduate degree program except for the Associate of Science in Nursing (prelicensure), Prelicensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or Practical Nursing Diploma, or for undergraduate certificate programs.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $15,840.

About Scholarship America:
Contact Information: Pat Halter ,Scholarship Management Services
Address: Scholarship Management Services 1 Scholarship Way St. Peter, Minnesota 56082
Email: ,

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