Scholarships for college may provide students with an opportunity to cover some or all of the cost of education. Financial aid may be available to those that qualify. It may be possible to apply for scholarships during high school that are available later when you enroll in college. Here is what you may wish to consider about the process of earning scholarships for college for sophomores in high school.
Can Sophomores Apply for Scholarships?
It may be possible to earn scholarships for college for sophomores in high school. If you are a sophomore in high school, it is not too soon to start looking for and, sometimes, applying for these scholarships. Doing so may give you a bit more time to find opportunities that could cover the cost of some of your college education if you qualify for them and receive an award.
Is It Too Early to Apply for Scholarships as a High School Sophomore?
Scholarships for high school sophomores are out there. Not all scholarships allow sophomores to apply, though. Before you apply for any scholarship, learn who the scholarship is open to and follow those instructions. There is no benefit to doing the work to apply for a scholarship if you are not qualified for it just yet. Instead, save those for the previous year. In the meantime, focus on scholarships for sophomores specifically. Some scholarship providers extend these offers to students in 10th grade.
10 Scholarships for 10th Graders You Should Apply For in 2022
The following are some examples of scholarships for 10th graders. If you are in 10th grade, take a closer look at these opportunities that could be available to you.
How To Increase Your Chances of Receiving High School Sophomore Scholarships?
It may be possible to do a bit of extra work now to see benefits later when you apply for scholarships for college. Though you may qualify for some scholarships for 10th graders now, even if you do not, you may be able to improve your chances of earning a scholarship later. It is a great idea to work diligently at earning a scholarship to meet your needs.
Here are a few tips that may help you with scholarships for sophomores and beyond:
#1: Apply early before the deadline
Whenever you apply for a scholarship, be sure you are doing so before the deadline (as early as possible once submissions are available.) A late application may cause you to be disqualified.
#2: Submit all the necessary documents the provider asks for
Most scholarship applications require a significant amount of information, including information about your GPA, interests, and goals. You may also need to provide an essay. Be sure to follow the directions provided on each application. They often differ but don’t let scholarships scare you!
#3: Make sure to write a unique essay rather than using a generic standard essay
Take the time to write your own essay based on your thoughts, beliefs, and interests. Be sure it meets the prompt provided to you. Stick with the information requested, but always make sure what you submit is your own work.
#4: Follow directions such as format
Most scholarships provide specific directions about how to submit assignments. This may be through a specific format such as Word or PDF. They may provide specific information about the length as well. Stick with the rules.
#5: Make sure to answer the essay prompt
Go back and re-read the question asked in the prompt. Did you adequately and thoroughly answer it? Be sure it is on point.
#6: Keep applying
Not only is it important to apply, but keep applying even if you do not earn awards. The more you apply, the more you increase your chances of a favorable response.
#7: Only apply if you meet the eligibility requirements
Don’t waste your time on scholarships that you may not really qualify for over the long term. Be sure that you are applying for scholarships that you truly fit the requirements for to make wise use of your time.
List of Scholarships for High School Sophomores
There are awards worth below. Apply now to our list of scholarships for high school sophomores.
East Rock Films is hosting a scholarship where learning about the past can enlighten. To apply, describe someone from the past who especially inspires you – this person could be a writer, artist, scientist, activist, journalist, political leader, entrepreneur, or inventor, to name a few examples, and could be from any country. Your subject could have lived in the distant or recent past but is no longer living.
This Scholarship is to honor the life of Coach Mike “Papa” Brown, and is open to all Albuquerque Public School student athletes within the Albuquerque Metro Area with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Students must plan to attend college or vocational/trade school starting no later than fall 2022
On June 30th, 2021, Coach Mike Papa Brown passed away peacefully at his daughter’s home after a long, tough battle with MSA. This incredible man’s love for his family was ever present in his continued efforts to fight every single day.
As an English teacher, Mr. Brown commanded his student’s attention with his various antics in the classroom. He was passionate about all kinds of literature, Greek Mythology and the history of New Mexico. He took many of his classes on a field trip he affectionately called the “Turquoise Trail”. He challenged his own kids at the dinner table throwing around unusual vocabulary words and he continuously entertained the family with his own poetry. Mr. Brown was an inspiration as a teacher and influenced countless others to follow his lead and become educators.
After 8 years as the assistant basketball coach at the Academy, Mike was offered the head coaching position where he proceeded to lead the Chargers to 6 straight State Championship games and 14 District Championships (1984-2010). Upon retirement, Coach Papa continued coaching as son Danny Brown’s assistant at Highland High School for 6 years (2011-2016) before winding up his coaching career at Volcano Vista with son Greg Brown from 2017 to 2021. Aside from leading the Chargers to an astounding 442 victories over a 26-year period, Coach Brown’s many other accomplishments include city, state and national recognition, as well as several coaching awards. In 2018, Mike was inducted into the New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame. Coach Mike Brown is a basketball legend in the state of New Mexico. His dedication to family, friends, students, players and the entire basketball community is only to be rivaled by his loyalty, honesty and hard work ethic.
A Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate student currently enrolled at an accredited college or university
?Minimum of a 3.0 weighted GPA
?Majoring in a Marine Sciences, Ocean Studies, Marine Biology, Environmental Science, Ecology, or a similar study
?Submit an essay of 500-700 words discussing your involvement with ocean science and/or why you are pursuing an education and career in the field.
Kohls department stores offered this scholarship for students in two age groups: ages 6 – 12 and ages 13 – 18 who have not yet graduated from high school, based upon outstanding community service during the last 12 months.
Students in grades 7 through 12 may compete in this creative writing contest. Students may submit up to three haikus, as long as the work has not been previously published or submitted in any other contest. Six winners will each receive $50
The SmarterCollege Scholarship Sweepstakes is only open to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, age 17 or older at the time of entry, and who meet one (1) of the five (5) following eligibility requirements at the time of entry:
a parent who currently has a child enrolled in an accredited college or university located within the United States;
a student who is currently enrolled in an accredited college or university located within the United States;
a parent who currently has a child enrolled as a high school senior located within the United States;
a student who is currently enrolled as a high school senior located with the United States;
a student or a parent whose child has graduated from an accredited undergraduate school (a “School) and who is currently paying back a student or parent loan for his/her/child’s educational expenses for such School (“Entrant”).
This scholarship is available for high school seniors in Baltimore who are active in athletics. Applicants must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher and must demonstrate work ethic, a sense of fairness, and responsibility.
This scholarship is open to U.S. and international high school and college/university students. Students must have applied for other scholarships and submit proof of applications.
The MindSumo and Meteorological Service of Canada Challenge is available for U.S. and international participants who submit proposals about potential improvements and upgrades to the MSC weather app.
The Nitro College Scholarship is available for U.S. high school students and college freshmen. This scholarship is offered every month. This $2,000 award is only open to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, age 17 or older at the time of entry. Click here to learn more and apply today!