Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Scholarship Foundation

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Foundation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Awards vary annually
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: The Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Scholarship Foundation is an organization to encourage individuals with disabilities to further their education. The Howard Aslinger Foundation will award scholarships to candidates each year based on applications received. Funds may be used for any type of education from university to vocational training or for special needs education and equipment. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website.

Application requirements for the Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Scholarship Foundation are:

  • No application requirements for this scholarship
Additional Information:

Award Amount: Award amounts vary. $1,000 awarded to winner  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $1,000.

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Saturday, June 17, 2023

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Saturday, June 17, 2023

All materials must be submitted by the deadline
About Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Foundation:
Contact Information: -,
Address: 2035 Allen Drive Cape Girardeau, Missouri

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