The Andrew S. Mathers Scholarship

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Andrew S. Mathers, P.C. Attorney at Law

Number of Awards & Eligibility: One award is available.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: As an estate planning attorney and a father, I’ve seen the financial impact on families with the soaring costs of college. This annual scholarship is to help aid one winner that shows merit, grit, financial need, and good academic standing.

Application requirements for the The Andrew S. Mathers Scholarship are:

  • Essay
  • Application form
  • Official Transcript
  • Resume
Additional Information:

Award Amount: Chosen applicant will receive $1,000.   The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $1,000.

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Friday, September 1

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