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NROTC 2-Year Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

US Navy

Number of Awards & Eligibility: The number of awards vary.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  2. Must have at least 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) but no more than 120 semester hours (203 quarter hours).
  3. Must be admitted to or in process of gaining admittance to school affiliated with the Navy ROTC Unit from which they are being nominated.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: The Navy ROTC 2 -year scholarship is a full tuition scholarship to a partner college or university. It also pays all colleges/university educational fees and provides uniforms and Naval Science textbooks as well as a stipend for textbooks (currently $750 per academic year ($375 per semester or $250 per quarter) and a Summer Cruise. Students also get a subsistence allowance each academic month: (Sophomore - $300/month, Junior $350/month, Senior - $400/month).

Application requirements for the NROTC 2-Year Scholarship are:

  • No application requirements for this scholarship
Additional Information: Same basic requirements as the National scholarship with the following additional requirements; • Must have at least 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) but no more than 120 semester hours (203 quarter hours). • Must have a minimum college GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale). • Must be admitted to or in process of gaining admittance to school affiliated with the Navy ROTC Unit from which they are being nominated. Applicants must provide additional documents such as letter of admission to college, degree plan, drug statement, Statement of Understanding,and Debarment Statement.

Award Amount: Full tuition at one of the listed colleges or universities. Questions regarding payment of tuition, fees, books and stipends should be directed toward the specific Navy ROTC Unit. • All colleges/university educational fees • Provide uniforms and Naval Science textbooks • Summer Cruise • 2-Year will receive 1 cruise • Stipend for textbooks • Currently $750 per academic year ($375 per semester or $250 per quarter) • Subsistence allowance each academic month: • Sophomore - $300/month • Junior - $350/month • Senior - $400/month  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $3,000.

About US Navy:
Contact Information: NROTC Preparatory Scholarship ,Naval Service Training Command Officer Development, NAS Pensacola,
Address: 250 Dallas Street Pensacola, Florida 32508-5220

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