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GE Women’s Network Scholarship

Award Amount
Award Amount
Application deadline
March 31, 2025
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Number of Awards & Eligibility: 14 awards offered.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for U.S. students.
  2. Must be a female.
  3. Must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  4. Must be a full-time student.
  5. Must be a U.S. citizen.
  6. Must major in aeronautical/aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, or computer science.
  7. Must be a current college sophmore or junior. The student must be in a position to accept the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.
  8. Must be a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
  9. Preferred schools include the following: Boston College, Boston University, Bucknell University, Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western University, Clarkson University, Clemson University, Cornell University, Duke University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Indiana University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, North Carolina State University, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rose-Hulman University, Stanford University, Syracuse University, Texas A&M University, University of Wisconsin, University of California at Berkeley, University of Cincinnati, University of Connecticut, University of Dayton, University of Florida, University of Illinois, University of Maryland (College Park), University of Maryland (Baltimore County), University of Miami, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of North Carolina, University of Notre Dame, University of Puerto Rico, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This award is available for U.S. female undergraduate students who are majoring in certain fields of engineering or computer science, are members of the SWE, and attend a preferred school. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and plan to enroll full time.

Application requirements for the GE Women’s Network Scholarship are:

  • Recommendation letter
  • Application form
  • Official Transcript
  • College acceptance letter
  • Resume
Additional Information: Applicants must: demonstrate leadership roles outside of academics and involvement in engineering professional organizations; have had a discipline-related internship; and have presentation skills. Recipients must be willing to intern at GE. Applicants may not be current recipients of a renewable SWE scholarship or receiving full funding for education from another organization (such as members of the armed services attending US military academies and students receiving full reimbursement from an employer). Applicants must enroll in a program accredited by ABET. Accreditation information for specific programs is available online at

Award Amount: $5,000 annually, non-renewable.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $70,000.

About Society of Women Engineers (SWE):
Contact Information: Barbara W. & Thomas W. Benko Scholarship ,Scholarship Committee
Address: 130 East Randolph Street Suite 3500 Chicago, Illinois 60601

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