Vermont Police Association: Raymond R. Mooney Scholarship

This award is available for Vermont undergraduate students who are seeking education or training in a field related to public safety, including, but not limited to, emergency services, law enforcement, and criminal justice. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Vermont Police Association: Erwin Bugbee Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is available for Vermont undergraduate students seeking a degree in law enforcement. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Lawrence ‘Larry’ Frazier Memorial Scholarship

This award is available for U.S. undergraduate students who are residents of Nebraska and graduate from a Nebraska high school. Students must contribute financially to his/her own education. It is preferred that students pursue a career in aviation, insurance or law, have experience in debate, and have participated in Boy/Girl Scouts during his/her youth.

Northern California Asian Peace Officer’s Association Scholarship

This award is offered to full-time students planning to major in law enforcement or a related field. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher to apply, and do not have to be of Asian descent.

ABA Public Contract Law Journal Writing Competition

This award is for students who are seeking a J.D. degree and attending law schools within the United States and its possessions, as well as lawyers under the age of 36 years (or admitted to practice less than five years as of Sept. 30), and candidates for an L.L.M. degree attending law schools within the United States and its possessions.

Al Ponte Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship is available for U.S. graduate students who have a career focus in international relations or intelligence. The applicant must be a member of the Associaton of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), OR the child or grandchild of a member of the AFIO, OR the child or grandchild of a serving intelligence professional.

FCBA Association Scholarships

This award is available for undergraduate students and students enrolled in law school. Selection for the award will be based primarily on a written submission of no more than one page setting out the applicant’s financial need, any interests in particular areas of the law, and any qualifications for the award considered relevant by the applicant.