Bryce Harlow Foundation Fellowship Program

Graduate students who show an interest in pursuing a career in advocacy through public affairs, lobbying or government relations and are attending or planning to attend one of the foundation’s participating universities (or attend a non-participating university and receive special permission from the foundation) are eligible to apply for this award. Students must work on a full-time (40 hours per week) basis. The average recipient of this award has a 3.67 grade point average.

Byron Hanke Fellowship

This fellowship is available for graduate students who are willing to participate in a fellowship project addressing management, institutions, organization and administration, public policy, or architecture, as well as political, economic, social, and intellectual trends in community association housing.

Vermont Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship

This scholarship is available for Vermont students who are seeking a degree in law enforcement. Students must demonstrate academic achievement and financial need.

John Hudson Savage Memorial Scholarship

This award is available to Vermont students who reside in Chittenden County and are seeking a degree in public safety, including but not limited to, emergency medical services, fire service, health care, or law enforcement. Students must demonstrate financial need and community service.

Tannenwald Writing Competition

This award is for full- or part-time law school students pursuing any law degree, or other students enrolled in a U.S. law school tax course as part of an MBA or other non-law degree program. Students must submit a paper on any technical or policy-oriented topics relating to any type of existing or proposed U.S. federal or state tax or taxation system, including topics relating to tax practice ethical and professional responsibility matters.