Injection Molding Division Scholarship

U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who have a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry are eligible for this award. Applicants must have experience in the injection molding industry, such as courses taken, research conducted, or jobs held.

Detroit Section/Thomas E. Powers Scholarship

U.S. and international undergraduate students who have a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry are eligible for this award. Students must be majoring or taking courses in an area that would benefit the plastics industry; this includes, but is not limited to, plastics engineering, polymer science, chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and industrial engineering.

William K. Schubert Scholarship

This award is for nursing students who are attending a professional registered nurse program and seeking initial licensure as a registered nurse in the state of Ohio. Applicants must be a member of an underrepresented group in the registered nursing profession and maintain a grade point average of 2.75.