This award is open to U.S. college sophomores, juniors, and graduate students enrolled full time in a program of study that is related to the hydropower industry: engineering, sciences (biology, fisheries, and hydrology), communications, and environmental studies. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Category Archives: merit-scholarships
Abilene Christian University Transfer Merit Award
This award is for U.S undergraduate students who are planning to transfer to Abilene Christian University. Students must be pursuing an undergraduate degree and have a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Jim McKay and Mike Wallace Memorial Scholarship
This award is for graduating U.S. high school seniors who intend to major in a communications-related degree at a four-year college or university. Applicants must hold a 2.5 GPA or higher and be legal residents of the United States. Click here to learn more and apply today!
NATAS Chicago/Midwest Chapter Scholarship for Graduating High School Seniors
This award is for U.S. high school seniors who plan on enrolling in a full-time course of study in a field related to the television industry. The applicant must attend a school within the ADI (area of dominant influence) of the television stations within the Chicago/Midwest chapter jurisdiction OR be a relative of a member in good standing of the Chicago/Midwest Chapter of the Television Academy.
All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship
This award is for Iowa undergraduate students who are enrolled at an eligible Iowa postsecondary institution. The student must have an EFC (Expected Family Contribution) of $8,550 or less and have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
University of Oregon General University Scholarship for Freshmen Students
This award is for U.S. high school seniors who are planning to attend the University of Oregon. The student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
University of Oregon National Merit Scholarship
This award is for U.S. students who plan to enroll at the University of Oregon as freshmen. The student must be a National Merit Finalist and list UO as his/her first-choice college with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
Grace College Transfer Student Scholarship
This award is for U.S. undergraduate students who are planning to transfer to Grace College of Indiana. Students must have completed at least 24 college credit hours prior to enrollment at Grace College; and must have a grade point average of 3.2 or higher, or an SAT score of 1170 or higher, or an ACT score of 24 or higher, or a class rank in the top 10 percent.
University of St. Francis Challenge Grant
This award is available to U.S. high school seniors who are planning to attend the University of St. Francis in, Indiana. Students must have an institutional ranking of 63.99 and below to be eligible for this award; the USF Institutional Ranking is a calculation of grade point average and ACT/SAT scores with a maximum score of 100.
Hamline University Transfer Academic Achievement Award
This award is for U.S. college students who are planning to transfer to Hamline University in Minnesota. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a completion of at least 24 semester credits (or the equivalent).