Thomas T. and Christine Hegeman Wheatley Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is open to U.S. incoming and current college students who will be pursuing an education in one of the following medical fields: EMT, paramedics, phlebotomy, or nursing. Students must be residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania, and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Delta Kappa Gamma International Beta Chapter Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is open to U.S. female college juniors who graduated from one of the public high schools in Berks County, Penn., and currently attend certain postsecondary institutions in Berks County. Students must be pursuing a degree in elementary or secondary education and have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

Dr. Jackie Rehkopf (Automotive & Composites Divisions) Scholarship

This scholarship is open to U.S. and international graduate students who are pursuing a degree in polymer science, composites, plastics, or a related engineering discipline with a research focus on ground transportation composite technology. Preference will be given to female students but the best candidates will be selected.

ACCE (Automotive & Composites Divisions) Scholarship – Michigan Students

This scholarship is open to U.S. and international college juniors and seniors and graduate students who attend school in Michigan. Students must be pursuing a degree in polymer science, composites, plastics, or a related engineering discipline.

Jade Molds Inc. Scholarship

This scholarship is open to U.S. undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing a career in the plastics industry. Students must be in good academic standing with their schools.

SWE Detroit Chapter Scholarship

This scholarship is open to female high school seniors who are graduating from a high school in Michigan and planning to enroll in an ABET-accredited engineering program. Students will be judged on academic performance, the application essay, high school awards/honors, and high school leadership/activities/employment.

James M. & Erma T. Freemont Foundation Scholarship Program – Graduate Students

This scholarship is open to U.S. students who are pursuing a graduate degree in the health and medical sciences with the intention of pursuing that discipline as a career. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Roxbury Volunteer Fire Department Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is open to U.S. students who reside in Roxbury, Connecticut, and are pursuing a postsecondary education at a two or four year junior college, college, university, technical school, or other institution offering post-graduate study/training. Students must have a grade point average of B- or higher; preference is given to current/former members (or junior corps members) of the Roxbury Fire Department (or direct descendants).