This scholarship is open to U.S. and Canadian undergraduate students who are pursuing a degree in degree in polymer, materials science, or plastics engineering and focusing on a career in plastics, rubber, or polymer processing/manufacturing. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Category Archives: merit-scholarships
Extrusion Division/Ed Steward Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to high school seniors and first-year undergraduate students who attend a U.S. or Canadian college/university and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Students must be focusing on polymers or plastics engineering and pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in mechanical, chemical, or manufacturing engineering and pursuing a career in plastic or rubber extrusion processing.
Gail R. Bristol Scholarship
This scholarship is open to international and U.S. female undergraduate students who are enrolled in a plastics-related curriculum. Students must be in good academic standing.
SET Educational Fund Scholarship
This scholarship is available for undergraduate students in Michigan who are attending or planning to attend an accredited, public university in Michigan. Selection of awards is based on academic merit, financial harship, and involvement with community service.
Les Dames d’Escoffier (LDEI) Colorado Chapter Scholarship Program
This scholarship is open to U.S. female students attending a Colorado postsecondary institution with a focus in a food-related industry (such as culinary, food science, dietetics, nutrition, beverage and fermentation, hospitality and restaurant management, animal science, agriculture, or family and consumer sciences). Students must have one to two years experience in their chosen industry.
Richard S. Kay Endowed Scholarship
This award is for U.S. undergraduate students who are enrolled in an entry-level radiography, sonography, magnetic resonance, or nuclear medicine program. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher; the student’s program director must verify the grade point average based on one or more semesters of study.
Philip W. Ballinger Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is open to radiologic technologist educators who plan to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree. Students must be ASRT members and study in the United States.
Professional Advancement Scholarship
This award is open to current radiologic technologists who plan to complete additional certifications or college degrees. Students must study in the United States and be members of ASRT.
Marie L. A. Racine Scholarship
This award is for current radiation therapists who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree or higher. Students must study in the United States and be members of ASRT.
Parsons Degree Achievement Scholarship
This scholarship is open to established radiologic technologists who are working to earn their first college degree (associate’s or bachelor’s). Students must study in the United States and be members of ASRT.