New Mexico Medical Loan for Service Program

The purpose of the Medical Loan-For-Service is to increase the number of physicians in the state which have experienced shortages of health professionals by making educational loans to students entering medical school. As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to practice as a health professional in a designated shortage area within the state of New Mexico. For every year of service provided in a designated shortage area within New Mexico, …

New Mexico Teachers’ Loan-For-Service

The purpose of the Teacher Loan-For-Service program is to proactively address New Mexico’s teacher shortage by providing students with the financial resources to complete or enhance their post-secondary teacher preparation education.

NM Allied Health Loan-For-Service

The purpose of the Allied Health Loan-For-Service is to increase the number of physician assistants in areas of the state which have experienced shortages of health practitioners, by making educational loans to students seeking certification/licensure in an eligible health field which include the following: Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech-Language Pathology Audiology Pharmacy Respiratory Care Laboratory Technology Mental Health-Social Services Emergency Medical Services Nutrition Dental Hygiene As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare …