This award is for graduate students who are majoring in engineering or science and have a GPA of 3.3 or higher. The student must be an AIAA member in good standing.
Category Archives: scholarships
AIAA Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
This scholarship is available for undergraduate students who have completed at least one year of study with a grade point average of 3.3 or higher. Students must plan to enter into some field of science or engineering encompassed by the technical activities of AIAA.
Richard H. Pierce Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is available for Maine undergraduate and graduate students who have completed at least one year of a community college program or two years at a four-year college or university. Applications will be selected on the basis of academic achievement and unmet financial need.
National Eagle Scout Association Academic Scholarship
This scholarship is available for Eagle Scouts who have an SAT score of 1200 or higher and/or an ACT score of 28 or higher. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors planning to enter college in the year that the scholarship is applied for. Up to $50,000 is awarded. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Mainely Character Scholarship
U.S. students who are residents of Maine planning to enroll as college freshmen are eligible for this award.
Maine Innkeepers Association Scholarship
This scholarship is available for Maine undergraduate and graduate students who plan to pursue a career in the lodging or foodservice fields, or are family members, employees, or family members of an employee of a member of the Maine Innkeepers Association.
Maine Machine Products Company Scholarship
High school seniors who plan to attend Central Maine Community College and participate in its two-year machine tool technology trade program are eligible for this full-tuition scholarship. Recipients must agree to work for the Maine Machine Products Company for at least 18 months following completion of the program.
Russ Casey Scholarship
This scholarship is available for Maine undergraduate students who plan to pursue a career in culinary arts or hospitality. Culinary arts students will be given first consideration.
Maine Graphic Arts Association (MGAA) Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to international and U.S. high school seniors who are attending a Maine high school. Students must plan to pursue a degree in graphic arts pertaining to printing, and have a C average or higher.
Roberta M. Born Scholarship
Graduating high school seniors or current undergraduate college students who are residents of Glynn County in Georgia are eligible to apply for this award. Studens must have a strong background and/or course of study in the arts and humanities.