This award is for U.S. or Norwegian citizens who are 18 years of age or older. Students must demonstrate interest in furthering their studies of Norwegian or American heritage through arts, crafts, literature, history, music, folklore, etc.
Category Archives: scholarships
Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship Fund
U.S. female undergraduate students between the ages of 17 and 35 who are majoring in chemistry, physics, or chemical, electrical, or mechanical engineering are eligible for this award. Each student must be a member or the daughter or granddaughter of a member of the Sons of Norway; such membership must have been of three or more years in duration on the date the application is submitted.
AMS Freshman Undergraduate Scholarship
U.S. high school seniors who will be entering their first year of college in the upcoming fall semester are eligible for this award. Students must be enrolled full time in a major leading to a career in atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences (marine biology not acceptable).
BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship
Current high school seniors planning to enroll in an ABET-accredited engineering program are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 3.75 or higher and SAT/ACT scores in the 90th percentile.
Francis Walton Memorial Scholarship
This award is for a licensed radio amateur who is a resident of Illinois, Wisconsin, or Indiana and is pursuing a degree in one of the specified areas.
AMS Minority Scholarship
Minority U.S. students entering their freshman year of college in the fall who are planning to major in an atmospheric science, oceanography, or hydrology are eligible to apply for this award. Marine biology is not an eligible field of study.
Six Meter Club of Chicago Scholarship
This scholarship is available to undergraduate students who are licensed radio amateurs and reside in Illinois, Indiana, or Wisconsin. Preference will be given to students who have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher and are in good academic standing.
Chicago FM Club Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to licensed radio amateurs (technician class or higher) who are residents of Indiana, Illinois, or Wisconsin. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen, or be within three months of obtaining citizenship.
Fred R. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to a licensed radio amateur with a general class or higher license who is a resident of and attends an institution in the FCC 5th Call District. Students must major in electronics, communications, or related fields; preference will be given to students with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Dr. James L. Lawson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to a licensed radio amateur with a general class or higher license who is majoring in electronics, communications, or a related field. The applicant must reside and attend school in New York or New England.