Edward J. Dulis Scholarship

Students who have completed one or more years of a metallurgy or materials science engineerings and are members of ASM International are eligible for this award. Applications are available on the ASM Materials Education Foundation website.

Ladish Company Foundation Scholarship

Students who are juniors or seniors in a metallurgy or materials science engineering program and are members of ASM International are eligible for this award. Applicants must be residents of Wisconsin and attending a college or university in Wisconsin.

ASM Outstanding Scholars Scholarship

Students who have completed one or more years of a metallurgy or materials science engineerings and are members of ASM International are eligible for this award. Applications are available on the ASM Materials Education Foundation website.

GFOA Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship

This scholarship is available for U.S. or Canadian college juniors, seniors, and graduate students who belong to one of the following groups (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau): Black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or a Pacific Islander. Students must be majoring in public administration, (governmental) accounting, finance, political science, economics or business administration (with a specific focus on government or non-profit management).

GCFM Horticulture Scholarship

The GCFM Horticulture Scholarship is awarded to college juniors and seniors or graduate students who are legal residents of the State of Maine and not related to a GCFM Board Member. (College sophomores are eligible as they will be entering their junior year the following fall.) The Scholarship recipient is invited to attend the GCFM Annual Meeting and Awards luncheon at the State Convention held in June.