Mature U.S. students who are returning to the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire are eligible for this award. Students must not have graduated.
Category Archives: scholarships-for-college-juniors
UW-Eau Claire Patricia H. Anderson Memorial PEO, Chapter AP Scholarship
Non-traditional female students who are undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire are eligible for this award.
Paul Collins Scholarship
This award is available for U.S. undergraduate students who are residents of Kent County, Michigan. Applicants must be studying applied or fine art at one of the following local colleges: Aquinas, Calvin, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids Community College, or Kendall. Selection is based on academic performance and demonstrated financial need.
UW-Eau Claire Donald P. Weber Veterans Memorial Scholarship
Wisconsin residents who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for this award. Students must be current undergraduate or graduate students attending a University of Wisconsin institution.
UW-Eau Claire PEO and AAUW Nontraditional Female Students Scholarship
Returning female students who are 23 years of age or older and enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
Orrie & Dorothy Cassada Scholarship
This award is available for undergraduate students residing in Kent County, Michigan and attending one of the following eligible local colleges: Aquinas, Calvin, Cornerstone, Davenport, GRCC, GVSU, or Kendall. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate unmet financial need.
UW-Eau Claire Ken and Mary Smith Veteran Scholarship
Current or former military students who have been honorably discharged and attend the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire are eligible for this award.
UW-Eau Claire Charlotte L. Grinsel Scholarship
U.S. service veterans currently majoring in biology, chemistry or physics at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are eligible for this award.
Mildred E. Troske Music Scholarship
The Mildred E. Troske Music Scholarship is available for U.S. students who reside in Kent County, Michigan and study music at the undergraduate level. To be eligible for this award, applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.
Mathilda & Carolyn Gallmeyer Scholarship
This award is available for Kent County, Michigan residents who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in pating or other fine arts. Applicants must have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher and demonstrate unmet financial need.