Shout It Out Scholarship

FIND YOUR VOICE AND BE HEARD! Have something on your mind? Let it out, or better yet SHOUT it out. Give your thoughts a voice and earn free college money at the same time. Our Shout It Out Scholarship committee wants to know what you have to say. Whether it’s a message for the world or just a quick “hi mom,” this is your opportunity to speak up and win money for college. We’re listening! …

Superpower Scholarship

FASTER THAN THE CLICK OF A BUTTON Have you ever wondered where you’d go if you could fly around downtown? Or maybe you daydream of secretly taking over the world – to each his own. For all of those hero lovers and villain enthusiasts, this super scholarship can give you the power to win free college money. Use your imagination and become the superhero, or perhaps supervillain, you’ve always wanted to be. Would you live …

U.S. Senate Youth Scholarship Program

This award is available to U.S. high school juniors and seniors serving as elected student body participants in a selected student government, civic, or educational organization. Selection will be based on outstanding ability and demonstrated qualities of leadership.

Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship

The Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship is awarded based on the student’s academics, leadership abilities, work experiences and strong commitment to their community. High school seniors with a GPA of 2.8 or higher who are residents of an area serviced by Comcast are eligible for this award.

Kentucky Early Childhood Development Scholarship

This award is available to Kentucky resident students who are pursuing a degree or certificate in early childhood education at an eligible postsecondary institution in Kentucky. The student must be employed in an eligible capacity in the early childhood education field.