Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

Describe the students at Anderson University-Anderson, SC.


My classmates are mostly Christians who uphold their strong moral values while being dedicated to their chosen fields of studies.


Im my classes my classmates were helpful to those students around them that needed the extra help.


My classmates at Anderson University become friends, study partners, and people I love to hang out with!


Upbeat and full of life.


I will actually be taking online classes through Anderson University because I am a wife and mother of two teenage sons. I am currently unemployed and looking for full-time employment.


Ignorant to the real world and biased in views. Very clique oriented school. Lots of 'religious' students that are hypocritical and extremely judgemental. No one is very talented at this school, otherwise they would've gone somewhere else.


Narrow minded but pure in heart. My classmates are overall very niave to the real world based on the religious affiliation of the school but are all overall good people.


My classmates are some of the most profound and unique individuals I have ever met and are the most enjoyable to be around.


We are all theatrical, infectious, bubbly, loud, musical people where i hang out usually.


Depending on the classes that I'm in makes the difference on my classmates; the ones that I see on a daily basis are some of my best friends and very fun to be around, while the ones who are in my general education classes are still fun to be around, but different because I haven't spent three years getting to know them.