Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Anderson University-Anderson, SC?


Dealing with financial aid can be really difficult. There aren't nearly enough staff to help all the students. If you don't live close by it is hard to get in contact with them, and their communication over email is not very clear. Often times you need to really push for the information you want when talking to the staff at the front desk. Dealing with anything financially is stressful here.


The total cost of attendance. It is quite expensive, but I believe it is well worth the cost. You gain so much great experience that you probably would not at another postsecondary institution.


Anderson has some absolutely amazing qualities, however, the cafeteria is far from being one of its best features.


I honestly cannot think of anything at Anderson that frustrates me.


Group projects tend to be a little frustrating at times.


I have been most frustrated with having to coordinate with the Fin. Aid department to ensure that my scholarships and grants continue from year to year. I know that this confusion does not only reflect my school's department, but I find it very difficult to have every thing straight before the upcoming semester.


Teenagers have horrible communication skills and leadership skills. Well, the majoirity of them anyways.


The most frustrating thing about Anderson would have to be the food. There are times when the food is delicious and I go back for seconds, and even thirds. Unfortunately, more often than not I don't clean my plate the first time.


Our school is a small school, but it is quickly growing, and the increasing number of students is making it very tight on campus. Parking, as well as housing, are issues on campus, with more people needing a place to put their car and lay their head than Anderson has room for.


I think the most frustrating thing about my school is the food. We pay about $30,000 a year for a private christian education, yet our food is horrendous and could easily be replaced with a better service provider. Student government at Anderson, an association I'm a part of, is working to improve the quality of the food. However, it is hard to work with administration that dislikes change.