Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Anderson University-Anderson, SC?


Sometimes they are more focused on the students they could be getting than serving the students they currently have.


The most frustating thing i have heard about Anderson University is the transfer of credits from your previous college.


The food and Residential Department are terrible.


The only thing that frustrates me is when I get behind in a class.


Again it has to be "Health and Safety" check.


The campus is really quiet on the weekends. Practically everyone goes home. If you don't live close to home, you can get pretty lonely.


Sometimes the most frustrating thing is the doors and locks. The keys tend to not like to cooperate or don't want to open the doors. They work about half the time, but other times it takes a valiant effort to get the doors open.


All traditional students must participate in the Journey Program (a.k.a. Chapel) every semester. We also have to obtain eight hours of community service, and four hours of cultural experience programs per semester. This is very difficult to come by when you are a part-time student due to your family and work schedule.


My financial aid was taken away and they never allowed me to know. They took it away and said they notified me which made me have to pay double and my GPA increased over the summer.


The most frustrating thing about Anderson University is trying to get help from the staff on financial and academic information.