When looking for a college a student should not go where his or her friends are going, but where their dreams are going. Everyone makes new friends in college and you can always see your old friends as time goes on. College is an experience that is short lived and long remembered. Students should pick a college that fits your personality and a college that will accept you for who YOU are.
Going to college is about developing your mind, so use your mind to decide on your school. I see many people go to school to be with friends, girlfriends or boyfriends, and settle for a school that does not suite them, and they do not live up to their full academic potential. I now attend a school that none of my friends from high school went to, and I value my education, and still hold close connections with my friends.
I encourage parents to help educate their children on their choices of schools applicable to them. Help your child choose a school that they like, that also challenges them intellectually and will provide a desirable sustainable future for them. Do not forget that the choice is ultimately theirs.
I would advise students and parents to take a tour of every college and to find out what specialty areas the school does well in. Even though the student may feel s/he knows what career s/he wants to enter into, that will probably change. So make sure that the school the student chooses to attend has a variety of different programs in case there is a change of mind. Also, make sure internet access is readily available because it is important for almost every aspect of both schoolwork and of a good social life.
the advice i would give a new student would be to go to the campus. Stay there for a weekend, check out the classes ask questions that are important to you. A school can't be solely judge on the education you recive from there. if you like the people get to know them better, add them on facebook or some other soical networking website...ask them questions about there day so you can get a week rounded grasps of the college that you are intrested in. thank you.
Visit the school as many times as you can before you make a decision on a school.
To take your time in making a decision. Visit a bunch of different schools that are different sizes to determine what school is the best for you. After you visit a school right down what you liked and disliked right away so you don't forget and mix schools up with eachother. After visiting a bunch of schools determine a few that you like a lot and stay overnight there so you get a feel for the campus. Make sure to sit in on a few classes so you get to see what the professors are like and what the other students are like as well. Ask students what their experience's with the school has been, and what they like and dislike about their college. The most important thing is to start early and take your time because when you find the school that is right for you, you will know it.
Check out Clubs and organizations. Also check on what kind of school environment is right.
I would tell them to consider all their options and weigh out what is most important to them. Once you chose a college, accept the fact that that's what you chose and trust that your made the right decision.
I think that it's important that future students spend an adequate amount of time pre-planning and researching colleges and looking at practicalities, especially finances. I believe that it's extremely important for the future student to know (and feel) their parents' support. I also believe that it is important for the student to have a list of expectations for their school (so as to zero in on the best school for them) and to have a set of personal (life/long-term) objectives to use to see if the school of their choice aids in accomplishing these objectives.
Visit the campus more than once and in different seasons. Meet with professors in your interested field and you will be able to tell if it is for you.
Don't decide on a specific area of study in your freshman year. Take your time and take classes from several areas because you might discover something that you didn't like before. Get involved in clubs and social activities. Also, never buy textbooks from the bookstore, you'll almost always find them cheaper online.