Aquinas College-Grand Rapids Top Questions

What should every freshman at Aquinas College-Grand Rapids know before they start?


Really, you only get one shot at making a choice about which college or university to attend, for starters. That's the hard part. I believe as parents you need to encourage your students to dive into what the love, who they are, and what the hope for in life-because their universities will help to develope and foster these things. As parents it is important to remember that their child's choice may not be theirs, and that they all need to work together in the decision. As students, listen to your parents, remember to tell them that you love them and appreciate their advice, but go with your gut. Go with what feels right for you, and remember to discern what you need, want, and hope for in a college. Then, make the decision and don't look back (even if family gives you a hard time!). Once you get to college, live on campus at least the first two years, dive into extra-curriculars, walk as much as possible, and try new things. Don't be afraid to feel a bit uncomfortable . Remember to make friends, exercise, work your butt off as a student and have fun!


The best advice I can give is filling out applications and visiting each college until one "seems right." That is, financially, student/teacher ratio, and overall how comfortable one feels at the campus. As for making the most of the college experience, I recommend trying out different clubs/organizations and not going home on the weekends. I've found that a lot of Aquinas students go home on weekends and I really think it's important for some people to be away from home for awhile, especially in college. This is the time that students figure out who they are going to be and sometimes that's hard to figure out around parents. It's also a good idea to hang around dorm lounges and cafes in the area. It's a great way to meet fellow students and without some of my friends at college, I would have had a harder time dealing with some stressful moments.


An environment that fits you, from the layout of the campus grounds to the size of the classrooms. If you look hard enough you will find the one thats for you.


In order to find the right college the student should visit as many as possible. Starting during the junior year of high school or sooner is advisable in order to not feel rushed. Narrow your choices down to some favorites, and see if the college offers an overnight visiting program for prospective students. Also research how many of the graduates get jobs in their field of study. Talk to as many people on the campuses as you can in order to get a feel of the school.


I would say that it is difficult to know for sure until you actually attend a school. However students should look for a school that fits their beleifs values and personality best. There are schools of all different religions sizes and location. They should pick a school located where they want to live in the country and also how close they want to be in relation to their family and home. Students should also look into the extra curricular activities clubs and sports offered by schools and pick something that fits their interests. Students should also make sure that field or major they are interested in is offered at the school they are considering.


The best advice I can give is advice that was once given to me: Never rule a college out until you have toured it and experienced it from a student's point of view. Parent's opinions are important of course, however when it all comes down to it the student's dreams and interests are what need to be focused on. After visiting Aquinas as a high school junior, I KNEW it was the school for me. As a student ambassador at Aquinas now, I see looks of love and respect on prospective student's faces, and sometimes even disgust. That is ok! There is a reason our country has so many options for higher education, because everyone is different! NEVER be afraid to be meticulous in your college search, EVERYONE deserves to get what they want out of their college experience, no matter your financial situation, religion, ethnicity, ect. Be picky and don't settle!!! Get everything out of college you deserve!


If I had to give advise to someone about a college choice, I would tell them to keep in mind that it should be the best choice for you, not necessarily your friends choice or where your friends are going to be. It has to be what you want. College is supossed be a big change in your life because of the new experience you will have. You should not go somewhere that you do not want to go or feel comfortable going. You will meet new people wherever you go. Your experience should be a good one, but keep in mind that you are there for a reason, to get a degree that will help find a job for the rest of you career life. If you are not sure right away what you want to go into, then I would suggest a community college or non-so-expensive college to start taking your general education classes to see what kinds of classes you may want to take later on. Also, part of the experience of college is not just about the education, you should also have some fun while you are there, make the best of it.


Make sure to look around at a lot of different campuses in order to get an idea of whether you would rather attend a small or big university. Also, make sure to start your search for the right college in junior year of high school. That way, you are ahead of the game and there is no pressure to make a quick and rash decision. Keep your grades and extra cirriculars going in order to find a college that is right for you. Don't get too anxious about the college experience because it's easy to fit in and make new friends. Remember, this isn't high school anymore and you will be treated equally to even the upperclassmen. Take your time with your decision, it's very important!