Arcadia University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Arcadia University?


That I dont live on campus, because I cant afford to. Professors expect that I can come for a ten minute meeting when I live thirty minutes away.


Sometimes I am frustrated about the size of the school. We have a HUGE abroad program, which greatly expands it for the semesters you are studying in another country, but when you are here, it is sometimes frustrating. However, Philadelphia is right there, so there is a lot to offer close by. Just take advantage of it.


Most people go home on the weekends, soon campus activites during those times are not very fun


There seems to be a lack of activities during the weekend, and this causes most students to go home for the weekend.


It is very expensive and the financial aide department is not really helpful.


It sometimes is dead over the weekend, but they have events almost every weekend night and you can find a game of ultimate frisbee or just hang out with some friends. It's only dead if you let the weekend be dead. Philadelphia is also just a 5 dollar train ride away


People tend to leave on weekends, so there is always a group of people complaining that there is nothing to do. This leave me (president of our student programming board) in a situtation that calls for getting unmotivated people involved with campus activities.


It may be difficult to graduate in four years because of the general education requirements on top of major requirements.


The social life on the weekends. They do not have much to do and if they do it is usually just a movie or something similar to what they have every weekend for students to do.


The lack of school activites and school spirit.