Auburn University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Auburn University? Why?


The worst thing about my school is the mandatory meal plan. Each student, whether they live on campus or off campus must have a meal plan. I live off campus and still have to pay $300 for food that I now feel obligated to eat. I enjoy eating healthy and therefore cook my own meals, but I feel like I am wasting my parents' money when I don't want to use the meal money they have to pay on unhealthy food options.


I honestly can't say anthing bad about Auburn. We are a great college.


Parking is horrible for people that live on campus because it is very hard to find parking spots and on game weekends cars have to be moved to parking lots that are very far away from campus.


How easy it is to get alcohol, how many bars there are around.


The worst thing about my school is the cost of tuition for out of state residents. The cost of out of state tution is 3 times the amount of in-state tuition.


The worst thing about Auburn is the lack of academic advising that we receive. I transferred from a junior college with 73 hours. When I came to orientation my advisor failed to tell me that only 61 of those hours would transfer. Every time I would contact her with a question she would not respond. Then I decided to just go to her office with my questions, when I asked her about a class, she responded, "I really don't know", is there anything else I can help you with today?" I said "Yes, the question I just asked you."


Auburn university cost a lot to students about housing and meal.


I feel that Auburn University is slightly too spread out and it would be less of an inconvenience if the school and its students were focused in a more concentrated area.


The worst thing about the school is the traffic during home football games.


The English department sucks.