Auburn University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Auburn University?


Stereotypes of Auburn are described as overall a great academic school. Auburn has a southern, conservative stereotype as well which was an attraction for me. I believe students who graduate from Auburn are acknowledged very highly. Auburn also has a stereotype of loving and being good at football. Auburn students are looked upon as a family.


That there's no diversity and everyone's a Southern, Christian, rich, white kid.


Auburn stereotypically is your typical Southern school, where football, Greeks and whites (particularly Republicans or political conservatives) rule.


Hmm.. usually people think that we're all a bunch of country students who don't know right from left, etc.. My favorite is that Auburn is a big field with NOTHING to offer.


There are two sterotypes. Outside of Alabama in the north, we are known as rednecks who have no electricity in our houses and who go barefoot to class. And inside of Alabama, we are sterotyped as mostly Greek people who choose drinking as a major and class as an option.


They are all frat boys or sorority girls. All the girls wear Uggs, short skirts and Northface jackets.


A lot of the folks at "The University" (the other school in Tuscaloser) call us "the cow college" and say that we live in trailers. That is not completely true. Only the vet students live in trailers. Incidentally, they are also the only ones who hang out with cows. Believe it or not, I'm going to marry one of those crazies on June 7, eighty-nine days from now. I can't wait!


That were are only an engineering and agriculture school and only care about football.


rednecks, jicks, dumb


Everyone is white, southern and Christian.