Auburn University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Auburn University?


I thnk there are two stereotypes about Auburn students: If you ask people who are not from the south about Auburn, often times they will think that just because we are from Alabama, we are a bunch of rednecks from rural communities. If you ask those who are from the South about Auburn, often times they will think that Auburn is made up of mainstream, middle to upper class white students. Also, people from Alabama and other parts of the Southeastern US usually mention that Auburn has a reputation for having a pretty campus, classy people, and a great small town feel. However, no matter who you ask, most people know that Auburn has great athletic tradidion - especially in the football rivalry with the University of Alabama!


all auburn students have a lot of money and all the people in the greek system are stuck up and only into greek life.


Southern (therefore poorly educated)


That they are country, and Auburn is a bunch of trailers and cow fields, and that the girls are stuck up


That they have a lot of fun and everyone that comes out of auburn says they love it. It is a very well thought about university and many people that go here are considered "wealthy." It's a party school.


That we are redneck country people.


I have heard students at other schools talk about how we're a bunch of rednecks because we are known for and have such a good Ag school.


People from other schools think that most people who go to Auburn are very southern.


southern and conservative


Somewhat "country", rural south