Auburn University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Overall atmosphere and friendliness of people, as well as the size of the campus. Plus if you want to succeed, this school provides the ability.


The feeling you get when you're on campus. If you're out of state or down the road, Auburn feels like home. You and everyone that's graduated from Auburn is fiercely loyal, for good reason.


The best part about Auburn was the school spirit and the sense of family, both on campus and beyond, in "real world land."


Good social atmosphere combined with strong academics.


The science curriculum at Auburn is very challenging and proves beneficial for those going further to a post-bachelor degree.


School spirit and alumni support.


Dr. Johnny Green, Dean of Students, Auburn University, hosts an informal lunch gathering with the students.


Twelve Auburn University students learn about more than art as they worked jointly with residents of Hurtsboro, Alabama.


The best thing about Auburn, is the sense of homeliness. No matter how far away home is, Auburn easily replaces that feeling. Everyone is inviting and welcoming, and the campus is beautiful. Also, I can't forget football!


The best thing about Auburn is the diversity we have. It doesn't matter what race or religion you are, everyone is accepted. The school spirit surrounds the campus, expecially during football season. It's like one big family and everyone gets along. Race and opinions don't matter as long as your wearing orange and blue! It's a feeling unlike any other.