If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself to never give up and to keep pushing on with your educational dreams. I would tell myself that your high school grades do not determine where you can go. As a high school student, learning did not come easy to me. It was a daily struggle between myself and my parents. I feel that my high school senior self entered college with a chip on her shoulder, thinking that I was not smart enough. Although I over came that, it made the transition from high school to college extremely difficult for me. I would encourage my high school self to enter college optimistic, motivated, and eager to learn. Do not allow your high school struggles to continue to hold you back. Do not let the negativity prevent you from the education you deserve. Tell yourself that you are smart and you are capable of going after any degree you want. Your only competitor is yourself. Ignore the other people around you and ignore the past. Set your goals for the future and do not stop until you get there.
I never made it to being a senior, but I have often thought about how I wish I would have had the knowledge then that I do now about the importance of my education and how vital it is to being successful in your professional adult life. I would explain what the reprocussions can be if you choose not to pursue a college education and how difficult that choice can make your adult life. I would also make sure I understood how great my potential is to be great and how I stand the chance to make a big difference, not just in my life, but in the lives of others around me. I would tell myself that college is very different from high school and that it is driven more by the individual than by the group and that it would allow me to establish the responsibility for myself and the independence that I will desire. Lastly, I would tell myself that I am highly capable of achieving any educational goal that I choose to persue because I am mentally strong enough and smart enough to overcome any obstacle put before me, especially when it comes to my education.
I would give my self the advice of gaining as much knowledge as i can in high school to better prepare my self for the college classes. I would be more focused on my studying skills and learn how to manage my education priorities. I would also tell my self to adopt reading as a leisure activity to expand my vocabulary. College requires basic education require ments but its never hurts to know more. I believe that the more knowledge you have, defines how valuable you are.
If I could go back in time and tell myself something, I would let the old me know that he should apply himself. He would be very surprised at the results. I never cared in high school. To be honest I slept most of the time. Once I got to college, I knew I had to change so I bunkered down and actually found that I am very smart. I am only done with my first semester but I got straight A’s, which is a good start. I regret the lack of enthusiasm I showed in high school now that I know what I really can do. I love when other people ask me questions in class. I love seeing all my hard work pay off with a good grade. I love when I break the curve even though other people would have liked me to score a bit lower. I cannot change the past but I can change the future. If I could go back in time, I would tell my past self to stop being someone he is not. I would tell him to open his mind and learn.
Advice: Have fun in high school and treasure those memories because once college begins that is when reality hits. College is where your life as a young adult begins and forms your future. You want to look back at your high school memories and be able to laugh at every moment because high school you can never return to, but college is always there for you to succeed and apply too. Go to college with a strong mind and do not allow anyone to tell you that you can not do it because you can do anything you fully put your heart into. No matter what happens do what will make you happy in life because your career is the basic foundation that will help you grow as an individual as a whole.
High School Anwar, theatre is going to be a big part of your life in the future. It's going to give you that creative juice you need to make it through the day. You don't know this but it's the only thing you'll ever see yourself doing. Take advantage of the theatre oppurtunities the high school has to offer. It'll give you the foundation that many of the other majors already possess. It'll give you a support system before your college friends. It'll make your transition that much easier.
First of all i would have chose to go straight to college rather than beauty school. Secondly I would let students know to just calm down about leaving friends and family, every one elso around you is going through the same thing, make some friends and finally just get to know your teachers get the help you need and stay focused.
If i was able to go back in time the first thing i would tell myself would be not to worry. Everything is going to turn out ok. I would let myself know that college isnt as hard as the high school teachers make it seem, if anything i will be the best time of my life. I want myself to know how important it is to try hard my senior year of highschool and not to fall into the temptation of becoming lazy. I would also let myself know that the consolers don't always know what they're talking about and can send you in the wrong direction if you're not smart. But the most important thing i want to let myself know would have to be that as long as i try my best the outcome will be great.
If I were to go back in time and talk to my senior self I would tell myself to apply to as many schools as possible no matter what state it may be. The school you picked is not a bad school but it is not the right school for you. It is ok for you to transfer it doesn't mean you failed at anything. You'll transition into different places just fine.
I would tell myself to go into the Marines as soon as I graduate so I can start attending college as soon as my active duty contract was over. I would tell myself to enroll in Aurora University as a freshman instead of attending a community college first. I would tell myself to attend full time instead of working full time and attending school part time. I would tell myself to take my education more seriously and quit half stepping through life.