Aurora University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Aurora University know before they start?


I have gained independency and responsibility out of my college experience. College is a lot more complicated than high school because there are more responsibilities in dealing with college and mommy and daddy is not there to babysit you or make sure that you are getting up and going to school. I have learned how to be responsible and separate business from play which is key in being successful in college. Too many students drop out or flunk out of college because they would rather party than do homework or study for an upcoming test. College has been valuable to attend because I have developed my level of independency and responsibilty which is what I will need for the real world.


My career goal is to become a veterinary technician, so college is very valuable in that can give me a vet tech degree. Getting a degree in veterinary technology will give me an edge over anyone without a degree trying to get a job as a vet tech. College will give me the skills and the training I need to get a job, and then as a vet tech I can continue to learn and excell on the job.


I think the time taken to attend college is important in the sense that it allows people to be exposed to and to think about subjects they might not consider in a regular 9 to 5 job. The traditional USA system of higher education makes no excuses for holding to a system of learning that does not provide practical, real-world experience. They emphasize a growth in knowledge, the understanding of the world and different cultures, and the kind of education that will make people what they deem to be well-rounded and literate. But at the same time, it would not be hard to incorporate required internships or practical tracks of learning for people who would like an advantage against their peers who chose to work for four years instead of going to college. Many, many college graduates find competition from people already settled into a career path. And many, many people graduate from college with a considerable amount of debt.


I have learned tons of things that I did and didn't want to learn. There's so much knowledge in the world and college has been a great means to funnel that information into chunks I can handle. In addition to the raw facts about the world around us all, I have met many wonderful professors that have become pseudo-mentors, friends I'll have for the rest of my life, and experience things in the classrooms that could only happen in the company of mature people. Life finds a way of helping those that better themselves and those around them. College life has indeed been a great stepping stone that I will never forget.


My college experience taught me how to be responsible for my self. It also taught me how to have better time management between classes, work, and my social life. College has opened my eyes to different cultures to where I have a new found respect for those cultures and ethnicities. College give me the opprotunity to network with different people that may be useful in later years.


Aurora University has inspired me to embrace challenges and take every opportunity on the path to success. I have submersed myself in education, leadership roles and student organizations because my time spent at AU has taught me the best thing I can do for myself and others is to get involved. AU has evolved from an education to a life experience in which I can lead while learning.


My college experiences was one of the best experiences of my life. It taught me the importance of hard work and showed me what I am able to accomplish while I apply myself. I transfered to AU as a Junior, I had a daughter and was living with my parents at the time. I worked a full-time job, went to school full-time, and tried my best to raise my daughter. Since I was so busy, I needed to rely on my parents as babysitters. This made me acquire a new found respect for my parents, as they are in their 50's, but are still willing to help their son as I try to reach my goals of receiving my Master's in Social Work currently. School taught me the importance of friends and family. This is something I used to take for granted, but not anymore. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for my parents.


Through my college experience I have gained a level of confidence in myself that I would not had otherwise. As a returning student one sometimes wonders if one can succeed in a educational enviroment especially if the individual has been a stay at home parent for a decade. I now know that I will be successful in anything that I chose to do and I am more capable then I imagined. I can only thank my professors and my school for helping me gain so much more then a degree.


I am proud to be a student at Aurora University. I am 43 years old and have always wanted to complete my Bachelor's degree. I am the youngest of six children and am the only one that has not obtained a Bachelor's degree. My sister, Karin, has her doctorate in psychology. Janet and Katy are teachers. Kelly is a registered nurse. My brother, John, is an attorney. Our parents have not been able to help with our educations so I am really proud of their accomplishments. I have an Associates Degree from Waubonsee Community College in General Studies. I also have an Associates Degree from College of DuPage in Radiologic Technology. It is frustrating to know that 2 + 2 does not even equal 2 towards a Bachelors. No wonder I've always hated math! Aurora University has been instrumental in helping me to achieve my goal. The Adult Studies program is geared towards working adults. My advisor is always reachable and extremely helpful. She is always able to find the classes that I need at the right times. I feel like a valued student at a wonderful school.


While attending I have earned certifications that allowed me to work as a medical profession and experience my chosen field first hand. I also mad valuable connections with other health care professionals and was able to support myself through my first few years of college. Now I can approach my final year at a university confident in my skills and experience.