Aurora University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Aurora University know before they start?


One of the main things that I have recieved from my college experience is the need to for professionalism; as well as the need to know as much as one can within their desired field of study. Once a person has left their school of choice they will be on their own within the world so one must know as much as they can to be successful. It has been valuable to attend Aurora Universtiy for the fact that it is a small private school and if I ever had a question I knew the professors were approachable and would have some idea who I am. It also has been valuable for the fact that I know many of my professors have taught within the field they are teaching upon, so have some practical experience they can share with their students. Practical experience helps me personally better understand an experience.


College is not just for the sole purpose to obtain a career. Some people may say, "Go to college so that you can get a good job and get paid alot," but thats not the main purpose of college. College is about preperation for life and learning how to learn so that you can be the best person that you can be. I have learned that it is not about skimming by all of the mandatory classes but yet to take liberal arts classes for the sole purpose to learn new things that you do not already know. By learning new things you can learn to connect ideas and create new ideas that can help you later in life. The world is changing and as a student I need to learn to adapt to those changes. Me and my classmates are going to be the future of this beautiful country and we need to step up our game. College has been very valuable for me to attend because it has opened my eyes to the wide variety of things that I have yet to learn. It has shown me what I have been missing and need to improve on.


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience that is probably much different from other students my age. College has taught me to be more outgoing. I started out at a community college where it was hard to walk around without seeing someone you knew. This year I transferred to a four year school and it has been a huge adjustment to me. I know no one at my new school and that has made it very hard for me. At my first school, it was easy to just go through classes because you knew that once you left the room you would see a friend. Now, I go a whole day without knowing anyone. Being at this school has taught me to be open to others and show who I am. Learning this now, will help me throughout the rest of my life.


I always knew I was going to attend college. When I was 5 years old I knew I was going to go to college. I did not know what it was or where I was going to go, but it was glamorous and I was going to go to college when I grew up. Deciding to go to college is a big decision and there are pros and cons with this decision. To me, going to college was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I will be in debt and I will be digging my way out after I graduate, but the benefits definitely outweighed the risks. In deciding to go to college I have given myself an advantage in the job market and I will be able to get interviews and jobs that someone without a college degree would be turned away from. Because of my college experience I have been given experience that will be vital to my future success.


This would be my first year in college and I must say that my experience so far is incredible. I love attending college because I have the oppurtunity to increase my chances of being a professional in the field of criminal justice, in which I am studying. I have gotten an education thus far that is paramount to me. I dont ever consider attending college as a detriment because I know that in the long run it will pay off. Getting a higher education is very valuable to me, and i would never have the thought of relinquishing it! When I receive my A.A from Miami-Dade I wish to further my education by attending the University Of Central Florida (UCF). I have gotten wiser and more responsible out of my college experience, and I believe thats why it has been valuable for me to attend!


I have learned alot while in college. I feel that not only have I gained more knowledge to help me out in the world, I have also met some really wonderful teachers and made some lifelong friends. I feel that college has really made me a well rounded person. College has also boosted my self esteem as well as my self worth, it has made me feel that I can accomplish anything in life that I put my mind too.


By attending college I feel like I have been able to expand my capabilities as a student and also as an active member of society. I have been able to take many diverse classes in different areas of study, and taken part in various community projects presented by the schools I have attended. Waubonsee Community College and Aurora University have both presented me with influential teachers in my Elementary Education major and have been able to increase my desire to teach my future students. Through their guidance I have been able to learn many new teaching tricks and techniques which will be valuable to apply to my future classroom. Also having small classroom sizes, I have been able to learn how to work effectively with my peers, and use their ideas to shape and influence my own beliefs. By attending college I feel as though I am preparing my abilities to instruct and influence future students to be interested in continuing their educations. I have greatly valued the education I have been presented and hope that I too can help students be excited about gaining knowledge every day.


One valuable lesson that I have learned at college is that you make your own education. If you are truly passionate about learning, then there is nothing that can stop you from learning. In one class that I took, reading the book was suggested but not required. I noticed that a lot of students did not read the book, but I thought it would be helpful to really understand the materials. In that class, I received an A while a lot of the other students did not. I left the class with a greater understanding of the material than I imagine others did. I think that it is important to make you own education with the resources (textbooks and teachers) that you are given. I believe that it has been valuable to attend to achieve my dream. I want to become a dentist and I need to attend school, as well as dental school, to reach this goal. College is valuable to attend to meet the career requirements that many wish to achieve, and also is valuable in allowing one to reach his/her maximum educational potential.


I have gotten many different aspects from my college experience. One of these experiences is learning that you can not let troubles with friends prevent you from achieving sucess. If someone lets that get in the way of their main goal; which is to graduate and make something of yourself, than it not only prevents this success but it also puts the funds and effort to waste. Another experience that I have gotten is college has given me a sense of self, because I am not worried about the amount of friends that I have which has given me time to self reflect, which makes me a stronger and more independent person. This two aspects of my college experience have been valuable to me because, it has taught me to stand a part from the high school atmosphere. In other words, it has helped me mature faster and taught me to be a bigger and better person.


I am truly thankful for being able to experience college. I have been able to grow independently though my parents to continue to try to help. This has allowed me to gain a greater understanding of what it takes to be a live on my own and find out who I am and what I want out of life which is still undetermined; but I am still working on that. I have learned that people have different backgrounds and opinions but that does not make them so much different from me. I find college extremely valuable because classes raise questions you may not think of and make you think outside yourself. With classes, clubs, athletics, and internships, I believe time management has been crucial in allowing me to stay involved and successful academically. I also learned my professors are people too and have hectic schedules just like I do. Their flexibility to take time and meet has been instrumental for my success. Lastly, networking and relationships become more important than ever as one searches for a career or future opportunities and professors are great resources for advice! Self-determination and hard work may be the most valuable of all.